Check this video (6.5 mins)
Regular Friday Sessions now on. All Welcome. 1030am at the cabin. Lunch provided. (You may wish to phone 01349 830517 for further details). We are delighted to announce a successful bid for funding from the Highland Third Sector's Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund, which secures our programme until end 2023 at least. We are also grateful for past funding from Life Changes Trust. The Board is committed to the continuationn of thje programme, using reserves if need be.
Our specialist-led programme commenced in Feb 2022 with a Memory Cushions project with Lizzie MacDougall (specially funded by Scotland's Year of Stories 2022). The ongoing programme will include walks in the wood, art, woodwork, storytelling, music - and more.
The sessions are always relaxed and fun and people can engage as they feel like on the day. We keep warm with cosy blankets, keeping active and moving into the cabin with the wood-burning stove if need be.
Storytelling and Music Project funded by Tasgadh (2023)
Lizzie's Christmas Crafts Report (Dec 2021)
Creativity in Care's Painting Trees Report
We managed to continue online during Covid (until end Jan 2021) See here to see some artwork the group has managed recently. We have also had a small ceilidh to celebrate the conclusion of a music and storytelling project. See also facebook
Click here for information. (Phone 01349 830517; 07927 049930)
Check out our Film of the Go Outdoors Dementia Project: Shorter Version 4 mins Here; Longer Version 8 mins Here
also the Evaluation Report of our Recent project funded by Life Changes Trust
Comments on the recent Get Outdoors Programme
Participants gather to display their work over the past year and to celebrate Ian's 80th birthday. Included in the picture are volunteers and 2 staff from Outside the Box programme evaluation team for the Life Changes Trust 'Get Outdoors' programme.
We are grateful to Life Changes Trust for their support for the above programme over 2018-19
Memory Blanket project (supported by DEEP) launch May 2019. Brian introduces his story panels. Davey (drummer) is reunited with Duncan. Lizzie introduces Ian's panels.
Thanks to funding from Paths for all, we have landscaped the cabin area and added accessible seating to make using the area easier for those who are less able.
We welcome people of all ages and abilities to the wood.
The cabin is fully accessible by wheelchair and available to those who wish to warm up by the wood-burning stove. (NB Access is at the far end of the decking platform). The area in front of the cabin has been landscaped (Nov. 2018) to make it even underfoot. Round tables are now in place which are more user friendly than the picnic tables.
The toilet, which is 20 metres from the cabin is fully accessible and the path is good. (Normally this is only open during organised sessions but the key may be provided on request to other groups and individuals).
The play area opposite the cabin is designed for people with various levels of mobility.
We run a Dementia Friendly Get Outdoors project on Fridays from 10.30am to 2pm - this will resume in the spring of 2020. This is designed for people living with dementia and their carers.
Activities may include some exploration of the wood, artwork, woodwork, other craft activities and cooking. Each session ends with a shared meal. For further information please contact Adrian on 01349 830517. The programme (2018-19) is financially supported by Life Changes Trust with other support by Alzheimer Scotland. Previous support has been provided by Forestry Commission Scotland and DEEP and Tesco Bags for Life. Many thanks to them (and to all who voted for us!).