Every Friday from 10.30am to 1.30pm
Meet at the cabin. Tools and refreshments provided.
Regular monthly Volunteer Days: thinning saplings, removing western hemlock, improving paths, planting native trees (courtesy of The Woodland Trust).
Volunteers took part in 3 work parties to remove invasive Western Hemlock and clear a ditch. Initial training provided by Cameron Ross, Henry Fosbrooke and John Weaver.
The days demonstrated that significant impact can be made by a team of committed volunteers.
Forester Cameron Ross conducted a guided tour of the woods for Evanton Walking Club on 21 April 2010. He focussed on the management issues for the woodland. He will be running further guided walks for the public, school groups and Guides. Here is a selection of photos taken by Brigit Sharratt.
Mark Stevens discusses the Clach a' Cholmain and other features
Forestry machine cutting down trees near Assynt Mill to make the access to the gorge where the turbine is going to go for the small hydro scheme. NB This is outwith the area that the community is trying to buy from Novar.
Guided Walk for the General Public on 28 May with Cameron Ross (21 attended)
Bench seating arena created by committee and volunteers