Added on 24 January 2014
What's happening in the woods?
Some of you may have noticed that we have been working hard on new developments to support the many education and community groups now using the wood for outdoor learning. these include:
Log cabin and store
The new year will also see the building of our log cabin (around this secure metal portacabin) , this will be available for use by groups to shelter if needed or to use as a base for activities in the woods – the cabin will have equipment for many outings including forest school and conservation work all available to groups.
Thanks to Hector and Finian Munro, Foulis for provision of digger and operator!
We have developed a fixed course within the wood that offers challenges for all levels – a great way to get the heart pumping and hone your navigation skills. Map available here.
Dipping platform and pond
Spring will see work start on the new pond site, dipping platform, boardwalk and seating / benches mean it will be a great place to study invertebrates and amphibians.
In addition to this, Dingwall Academy have returned to use the wood each week for outdoor learning along with both Kiltearn and Evanton nurseries - its great to see so many young people using the wood for learning.
Tree Planting
We have now planted around 1500 native tree saplings since we took over the wood in 2012. Thanks to all the volunteers from Evanton and further afield, including the Gree Gym from Dingwall, also to The Woodland Trust for donating most of the trees.