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Evanton Wood

more mountainbike Leaders for Evanton Wood

Added on 10 September 2013

Saturday and sunday saw another TCL course being run by education coordinator Simon. The course wasd for four willing candidates keen to become cycle leader in the Evanton and Alness area.

day 1 looked at trail side fixes such as puncture repair and splitting  and fixing a chain. lots of planning took place as each of the trainees was to plan and lead a section of a given route:

luckily, the day of the 'ride out' was one of sunshine and heat, shame the midges also joined us.

looking at how to teach folk specific skills such as front wheel lifts, track stands and tight turns was also part of the course.  Each of the trainees passed with flying colours.

if you would like information on anything mountainbiking, please contact simon on 07947772066

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